Launch Windows 10 apps in in full screen mode
If you recently have installed the Windows 10 Technical Preview on a tablet or computer system, you may have noticed that Windows Store apps run on the desktop now if you are using a system with mouse and keyboard.I installed Windows 10 on my Surface pro one, but haven't seen any report saying the other models behave differently.
While it is still possible to enable the Start Screen interface, instead of using the Start Menu as you cannot use both it seems, apps that you run will run in Windows desktop mode by default.
That's not a big problem most of the time, but if you prefer to run some apps in full screen, Netflix or a game for example to get that extra bit of screen space this way, then you may have wondered how to make that happen.
There is no full screen option when you look at the window control icons in the top right corner of the screen. While you can use the controls to maximize the app window, it is still running in a window and not full screen.
To view an App in full screen mode simply select the tree dots in the left cornor of the App. Here you will see a few options:
Selecting the Full Screen option will display the App in full screen mode. To exit the full screen mode simply push the windows button.
I have not found any way to have all Apps automatically start in full screen mode. But I suppose the RTM release of Windows 10 will detect what device you are on (tablet/laptop/PC) and display the best setting for you.
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