So today I came across a strange error in SharePoint/Project Online.
3 users were not able to see the Project Center, Resource Center or add new items to a document library.
The issue was clearly related to their PC's as other users had the same problem on their PC's and they didn't have the problem on other PC's.
Everybody had the same version of Internet Explorer, Same regional settings and same language installed.
In their IE log they were all receiving the following error.
This didn't tell me much other than it looks like something is broken in IE. Google and Bing gave a lot of results, but all of them were related to programming and ASP.Net. I could not find much related to SharePoint.
After a lot of digging and trying tried something that wasn't related to any of the errors but was a pure guess.I tried to disable the ASP.Net Compression.
This immediately solved the problem.
I still don't know what is the root cause, but I guess it is an error in one of the files being updated on the client PC's.
So today I came across a strange error in SharePoint/Project Online.
3 users were not able to see the Project Center, Resource Center or add new items to a document library.
The issue was clearly related to their PC's as other users had the same problem on their PC's and they didn't have the problem on other PC's.
Everybody had the same version of Internet Explorer, Same regional settings and same language installed.
In their IE log they were all receiving the following error.
SCRIPT5009: 'Sys' is undefined
projects.aspx, line 124 character 219
SCRIPT5009: 'Sys' is undefined
projects.aspx, line 150 character 1
SCRIPT5007: The value of the property 'WebForm_InitCallback' is null or undefined, not a Function object
projects.aspx, line 656 character 1
SCRIPT5007: The value of the property '$get' is null or undefined, not a Function object
shell.js?rev=YwnNMDxuVwsNnI9A1oL38w%3D%3D, line 2 character 50132
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
sp.core.js?rev=7ByNlH%2BvcgRJg%2BRCctdC0w%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
sp.ui.dialog.js?rev=IuXtJ2CrScK6oX4zOTTy%2BA%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
sp.runtime.js?rev=9sKdsC9N6p2BiRk3313M7Q%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
sp.js?rev=SpGB4%2FzYmCWpwoPWNG2dsg%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'registerInterface'
cui.js?rev=k%2B4HtUzT9%2B3mSycgD7gPaQ%3D%3D, line 2 character 132
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
sp.ribbon.js?rev=F%2BUEJ66rbXzSvpf7nN69wQ%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
projectserverscripts.js?rev=wLWEB16RvL7LvVwBTEDczw%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
pagepropertymgr.js?rev=MSfviAZ5MiJZfNsfZFcIEw%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
remotetextconv.js?rev=SvbL5%2Fn%2FylnTsF%2FASnvAng%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
webmethodmanager.js?rev=QZWPalD63GAq0Ux6QiTvww%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
projectframework.js?rev=5poW1un5idh68Af5W7%2By%2FA%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
gridsatellite.js?rev=OD4g9TDABejWnsQti9BHCg%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
utility.js?rev=6L1OxKcWB8r9YEeRFq7iYQ%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
dom.js?rev=f7dn0H6JVBq%2BJjo%2Fz2ZJRA%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
projectcentersatellite.js?rev=hlKj0a968OT2D7gm%2FuKlMQ%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
sp.ui.combobox.js?rev=166SKYsDoffDAabXKBONxw%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
jsgrid.js?rev=mx0FnsqZMQTgnLRUymCf8w%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'Type' is undefined
sp.datetimeutil.js?rev=c1q2E%2FwVfTjFPk%2BMTmPvDg%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5007: Unable to set value of the property 'GanttPane': object is null or undefined
jsgrid.gantt.js?rev=QeMlynX3yiGsrTWH8GAGQg%3D%3D, line 2 character 1
SCRIPT5009: 'WebForm_SaveScrollPositionSubmit' is undefined
projects.aspx, line 832 character 1
SCRIPT5007: The value of the property '$get' is null or undefined, not a Function object
shell.js?rev=YwnNMDxuVwsNnI9A1oL38w%3D%3D, line 2 character 5898
SCRIPT5007: The value of the property '$addHandler' is null or undefined, not a Function object
shell.js?rev=YwnNMDxuVwsNnI9A1oL38w%3D%3D, line 2 character 1727
This didn't tell me much other than it looks like something is broken in IE. Google and Bing gave a lot of results, but all of them were related to programming and ASP.Net. I could not find much related to SharePoint.
After a lot of digging and trying tried something that wasn't related to any of the errors but was a pure guess.I tried to disable the ASP.Net Compression.
This immediately solved the problem.
I still don't know what is the root cause, but I guess it is an error in one of the files being updated on the client PC's.
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